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Mars Campaign

The Mars campaign was a D&D 3.0 game that ran from 7/2003 to about 7/2005. The idea was that the setting would be a John Carter sort of thing, but D&D. So, I used a National Geographic map of Mars and started brainstorming. Some of the things I remember:

  • No magic. Just psionics. (Psionic versions of the paladin and some prestige classes, like Shadow Dancer, were available.) Not much metal either -- just crystal.
  • Humans lived in the lowlands (pretty much the northern hemisphere) and had a trade empire built along airship (dirigibles) routes.
  • Dwarves were armadillo-like digger creatures with tough skins and resistance to psionics (so, resistant to many attacks, but can't be healed psionically).
  • Elves were githyanki. Or, githyanki were elves, depending on how you looked at it.
  • Crystal dragons, thri-kreen ... I think I even threw in some pikachu at one point.
  • In one of my more inspired moments, the paladin entered an "Iron Chef" cooking challenge against a Beholder. I gave the player a copy of Joy of Cooking and told him to come up with a three-course meal.
  • The PCs started off as slaves of the illithids, escaped, and made their way to human lands. The campaign got a bit urban at that point and the PCs got involved in a political/dynastic struggle. Also there was a Master Plan(tm) of the illithids that culminated in a big battle at the end of the campaign, with the lead illithid piloting a crystal mechwarrior.
  • As usual, the campaign was plagued by crappy preparation and Dotymath on my part. But, I remember that we all had fun anyway, at least most of the time.

Sad to think that two of the players of this game have now passed away.
