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Netherdeep Campaign Journal – #25

==Roll Call==
Childe Raymonde, Githyanki Paladin (Doty)
Bell, Kenku Cleric (CJ)
Blynce, Human-hybrid Fighter (Eric)
Vaal, Eladrin Rogue (Tim)
Bumi, Goblin Wizard (Matt)
Sheeza, Aasimir Wizard (Joanna)
Senzei, Human Monk (Frank)

To the Sanctuary of Albahith, Jigow Township

Greetings to the Masters of the Pilgrims, and hail to The Luxon:

Mission Report from Childe Raymonde (Part 25)

Inside Betrayer's Rise, we had just destroyed some disgusting mouthers.

We approached a skull-shaped vase on a small table in an alcove. There was text written in Abyssal: "Cast that which you value into oblivion." The 'Chained Oblivion' was a name of one of the Betrayer Gods, Tharizdun. We debated what, if anything, we wanted to do. We eventually figured how to open the secret door behind the vase.

Apparently this was the opening to some sort of temple. We entered cautiously, hearing faint music coming from an unknown source. We saw nine symbols of evil gods -- Asmodeus, Bane, Gruumsh, Lolth, Zayhir, Tharisdun, Vecna, Taurog, and Tiamat.

My companions began to dance to the music … voluntarily … and the flaming braziers reacted by growing in size and brightness, touching some of the symbols.

Vaal's manservant began playing a discordant song and the dancing flames attacked us. They immediately stopped attacking when Vaal's servant stopped playing.

After some more investigating, Bumi found a secret passage. We heard low voices talking about "dragging into darkness." Vaal's servant was grabbed by chains! I freed him but took psychic damage. Vaal's servant continued to explore, and went down a shaft, out of our sight. He came back, saying that it was safe down there.

Bumi attempted to go down the hall, but the chains attempted to grapple him. He escaped, but I succumbed to some psychic force. Eventually, we all managed to pass the force in the hallway and we all stood looking down the shaft.