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Netherdeep Campaign Journal – Part 24

==Roll Call==
Childe Raymonde, Githyanki Paladin (Doty)
Bell, Kenku Cleric (CJ)
Blynce, Human-hybrid Fighter (Eric)
Vaal, Eladrin Rogue (Tim)
Bumi, Goblin Wizard (Matt)
Sheeza, Aasimir Wizard (Joanna)
Senzei, Human Monk (Frank)

To the Sanctuary of Albahith, Jigow Township

Greetings to the Masters of the Pilgrims, and hail to The Luxon:

Mission Report from Childe Raymonde (Part 24)

We had just reported to the Taskhand our findings about the smuggling gang and the red-veined rock we'd found.

We decided to go to Betrayer's Rise to see if we could find out anything more about the visions from (about?) Alyxion. With the Jewel of Three Prayers, we thought we might be able to accomplish something, but what that might be remained unclear. (In other words, we really didn't have much of a plan.)

At the doors, we were attacked immediately by two flying demons! Vaal was instrumental in dispatching them quickly. We approached the doors.

We found a relief carving (somewhat damaged) of Ivandra the Change-Bringer. Bumi said that his jewel was warming up, and the doors inside began glowing. Bumi's touch caused the doors to open.

Inside we found many carvings depicting the history of Betrayer's Rise -- the battles against the Betrayer Gods at the beginning of the age. We heard a whistling sound -- it came from a number of tiny holes drilled into the walls. Proceeding down a turning corridor, oozing gore began to cover the walls, and it began to pool on the floor around us. A larger chamber was ahead of us, so we moved into that to avoid the ooze, all except Sheeza, who became immobilized by the gibbering mouthers that had appeared. We went back to help her and destroyed the mouthers, but the ordeal was disgusting.