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Netherdeep Campaign Journal – #15

==Roll Call==
Childe Raymonde, Githyanki Paladin (Doty)
Bell, Kenku Cleric (CJ)
Blynce, Human-hybrid Fighter (Eric)
Vaal, Eladrin Rogue (Tim)
Bumi, Goblin Wizard (Matt)

To the Sanctuary of Albahith, Jigow Township

Greetings to the Masters of the Pilgrims, and hail to The Luxon:

Mission Report from Childe Raymonde (Part 15)

On the road to Bazzoxan, while making camp, we noticed a flare of red light on the second moon! We remembered old stories -- the second moon was associated with ill omens and bad luck. Our sleep was troubled that night.

We felt strange in the morning, as if we were cursed [some checks would be at disadvantage for the day]. Bell cast remove curse on himself, and I cast lesser restoration on Bumi. We decided to keep moving down the trail to Bazzoxan.

After a while, we saw something on the road -- bodies, six of them. They appeared to be Aurora Watch soldiers, and feasting on them were two demonic-looking things. Bell identified them as Shadow Demons. We immediately assumed combat stances and started firing missile weapons and spells at the monsters. One closed the distance with us, but the other (sorely wounded) fled to cover.

As we fought the one on the road, his cowardly companion took heart and charged Vaal, ineffectively. Suddenly, a Quasit jumped out from behind some of the terrain's strange barbs and attacked. A second Quasit joined the fray. Vaal dispatched a Shadow Demon -- it evaporated into mist. Blynce destroyed a Quasit and wounded the remaining Shadow Demon. Bell blasted the remaining Quasit into oblivion, and Bumi destroyed the Shadow Demon. I performed what rites I could for the dead soldiers given the circumstances, and we moved on.

We camped for the night, and the next day we came upon a six-man scouting party of the Aurora Watch. We hailed them as welcome comrades, and they welcomed us to share their food and their campground for the night. The next day we parted from the soldiers and contined towards the cursed city of Bazzoxan.

We passed the ruins of a substantial town -- whatever this place was, it was destroyed long ago -- and heard screams and shouts, as of a battle. Aurora Watch soldiers were fighting demons! A Hezrou and a Draegoloth. We stabilized the fallen soldiers and began attacking the demons. The battle raged back and forth, when a new demon emerged from the rubble nearby -- a fiendish Babau! Its weakening gaze would be a real danger. And yet more enemies emerged! A few "The Wretched" (looking like a bunch of fangs on legs) and one more Draegoloth.

The fog that was surrounding us, a moorish mist, suddenly spouted little demonic hands that clawed at us. Whether illusion or not, they hurt.

Vaal used his enchanted sword to slow a bunch of our opponents.

The battle continued to go back and forth. Bumi fired his fireballs, and the Babau attacked me, clawing at me while I fought the Hezrou. We were holding our ground, though.

(We ended for the night on a mid-battle cliffhanger!)