Party Inventory:
Coffer (contains 350 gold pieces)
Leather Sachel (contains 2 cure light wound potions,1 cure moderate wound potion)
Maps and charts (from captain’s quarters aboard the Genevieve)
Dagger, fine quality
Hemp Rope
Grappling Hooks
2 Lanterns
12 Flasks of Oil
3 canvas sheets
24 days of preserved rations
3 barrels of water
Our intrepid adventurers set sail aboard the cargo vessel, the Genevieve, to voyage to the promised land. Our ship did not sail alone, but in convoy with two other vessels holding settlers for this new land.
Aboard the ship, our adventurers did meet one another. At a dinner hosted by the captain, each one told his or her story of why they had left their homes to go to this new land.
After two and one-half weeks of sailing, we did encounter a violent storm. While Vick, Onyx, Lysander, and Ranger Rick were out on the deck, the storm drove the ship into a maelstrom. Just before we all lost consciousness, we saw one of the other ships in the maelstrom—except that it appeared to be under attack from giant tentacles.
When our party began to wake up on the shore, we found ourselves being investigated by small sea scorpions. As each member awoke, they attempted to drive off and kill the sea scorpions attacking them. However, our exhaustion made this a difficult task. Fortunately, Onyx, Half Pint Halfling the Humble, and Glam the Glittering but Not-So-Right-In-The-Head Paladin killed many sea scorpions while Vick used his spells to daze them.
At this point, our party was troubled with dissention. We were exhausted from the shipwreck, but had found some trails on the beach that indicated that something or some things had been dragged into the ocean and something or some things had been dragged into the jungle.
Glam the Glitterwit wanted to charge into the jungle to find whoever might have been dragged off. More sensible members of the party--which included just about everyone but Glam Glitterwit--thought that we should take shelter and rest near the beach at the edge of the jungle.
At this point, Onyx, Halfpint, and Lysander stayed on the beach. Ranger Rick, Glam, Abby the Alchemist, and Vick entered the jungle to follo the trail. After a period of time, they all ended back with the part of the group which had remained to rest. Ranger Rick then single-handedly built a shelter without any tools in a manner that would have impressed even MacGyver. We then rested so that we could get over our exhaustion.
The next day, Vick conjured some tools and we built a makeshift raft. Glam, Halfpint, and Lysander gradually sailed the raft to what remained of the Genevieve. When they boarded the shipwreck, they encountered another sea scorpion but they swiftly dispatched it. the sea scorpion had shown an interest in part of the ship before it noticed the adventurers. Upon investigating what had drawn the scorpion's interest, they found blood dripping from an upper deck. Quickly, Glam and Lysander climbed to the higher deck to see if they could render aid. Alas, they just found the remains of the first mate inside the captain's quarter. However, in an ancient adventurer''s tradition that clearly goes back as far as the 70's, they looted the place.
When we take leave of our intrepid adventurers, they are together again in their shelter. They have managed to bring back all the loot from the ship and are sitting around a campfire discussing their next steps.
Next time you tune in, you'll get to hear a story we like to call:
All That Glitters Is Not Glam